How to test your knowledge of the language?

When learning a foreign language and translate english to french, there comes a time when there is a need to test your knowledge. If you study a language at a language school, you constantly see how things are going better or worse for you than others, you understand what you need to improve on, what to work on.

But what is the level of the teacher and, accordingly, the students in your group? You cannot know for sure, and no one will tell you. You can approach another teacher and he may praise your mentor, but professional solidarity will prevent him from being too negative about the quality of your teaching. What if you are learning a language alone?

It is easy to find test tasks on the net to check your level of knowledge of the language, you should definitely use them. But the test will not give you an understanding of your mistakes and will not tell you how to correct them. It will only let you know if you are up to the given level of knowledge or not.

You don’t have to worry too much about a fundamental knowledge of cases, tenses, and conjugations if you just need to speak. You don’t even need to know the letters of the alphabet. Illiterate people who grew up in a certain language are fluent in it. Immerse yourself in the language, listen to recorded lectures, have the radio playing in that language all the time, watch movies, and you will begin to understand the language.

Immerse yourself in spoken English, for example, with the FluentU app. It uses videos in English – music videos, movie trailers, news and lectures. These are high-quality and affordable individual English lessons.

Immersion in the language environment will be enough to exchange a few words with fellow travelers on the bus in the country of the language or order dinner in a cafe. But writing … alas, for this you need to know the cases and many other features of the language.

If you need to translate from a language at work, and even more so write in it, constant quality checks of knowledge are simply necessary.

It seems to be no problem to check the quality of your text. Write the text in the desired language and translate english to tamil, and Word will highlight your mistakes and even tell you how to write correctly.

Grammarly is a free plugin for the Chrome browser that will help you write any text online. Ginger is another plugin for Chrome that will check the spelling of words in context. Sentence Checker will determine how well you built the sentence.

Assistant programs are great, but your ability in the language (in love, sports, career) is really tested only in practice, in a tough clash with rivals. You need to compare your text/translation with the translation of others.

As is often the case, solving one problem, people get the answer to another.

Thank You Word Cloud printed on colorful paper different languages

The translation exchange TranslatorsAuction solved the problem of how to help novice translators without experience, who have practically no chance of winning orders from experienced translators. We came up with the following option: at the end of the competition period, each participant in the competition for a translation order sees all translations (usually these are small test pieces of text) and must choose the best one. It seems that everyone will choose their own option as the best one, but if the clumsy translator overcomes himself and chooses the objectively best option, he gets points. That is, in the column of such a translator, even if he has not won a single order, they gradually accumulate points for the correct assessment of the best translation.

You don’t have to aspire to become translators, but it doesn’t hurt to use such a wonderful tool. Only here you can compare your work with the work of others, see your shortcomings, check the objectivity of your assessment of the quality of translation – the same language school, only much more objective. Plus, your option may turn out to be the best, and you will receive an order, why not?

There are many ways to learn a language today. If any one was the best, really, everyone would know about it. But there is no such thing, so try different ones, even learn a language in your sleep. It is said that a young man became so addicted to this method that he fell asleep during the exam. Good luck to you!